Hi Martin,
Ad 1) Individual splits are possible with two push-pull pots, and it is easy to wire - just use one push-pull for each pickup to split them. I never found this useful for me but that is personal preference. If you insist on the splits, I recommend the following wiring:
- run green/white from both pickups to the center lugs of the first push-pull
- run wires from the top lugs of the first push-pull to the center lugs of the other push pull
- run two wires from the top lugs of the other push-pull to ground
- run two wires from the bottom lugs to the respective hot connections of the pickups.
This lets you select which coils are on, even though you cannot do it individually with that wiring.
Ad 2) Out-of-phase requires all lug terminals of one push-pull pot so individual split AND out-of-phase is not possible with just two push-pull pots. However, you can split both pickups with the other push-pull (as it is already). If the common split plus out-of-phase is OK for you, this can be easily implemented. You don't need a diagram for all of this. And you only need to flip the phase on one pickup (does not matter which). Just take the out-of-phase diagram, note where the neck hot and ground go (they will go to the top lugs of the switch instead), and run wires from the center lugs one to the hot connection and one to ground - you're done.
With two push-pulls you could also set series/parallel switching for each pickup. I like this on the bridge pickup to get cleaner tones from there.
Good luck,