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Author Topic: Thoughts on thick picks.  (Read 6221 times)


  • Junior Flyweight
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  • Posts: 33
  • BKPs: VHII bridge, Stormy Monday neck.
Thoughts on thick picks.
« on: October 26, 2022, 07:59:01 AM »
This is probably the fourth time I've tried to write this, struggling with how much context is needed each time and usually becoming too long winded to reach my conclusion in any sort of amount of time considered 'reasonable'.  So the following is the meat and potatoes of my silly thoughts on...

The Dragon's Heart 'hardened' model 2.5mm pick made from PAI (polyamide imide or 'torlon') and 30% glass fiber (I'll address some of the website's claims from my point of view).  This is strictly about the ... medium? ... middle? ... portion of the pick (the sharp tip is too grippy and the round lobe doesn't grip nearly enough).
- It does indeed glide across the strings faster than any other pick I've used.
- It does indeed wear better than anything I have personally tried (the 'original' and 'gt' models of this pick could not say the same).
- The beveled edges do allow a more consistent attack on every note (though this may not be what some more expressive players want).
- Due to the ability of the pick to 'get out of the strings way' it has allowed me to play a bit more consistently and with mildly more speed.

- The grip is very reasonable, but textured surfaces are always better for me.
- While all of the Dragon's Heart picks have a wonderful aesthetic and superior durability, $15 is still steep for a single plectrum (although I realize that there are much more expensive examples out there).
- ALL of the models of these picks that I've tried have left a black dust on my strings and fingers in varying amounts that I have to wipe off after playing.

Overall, I like it.  It's taken some fairly serious adjustments to my picking technique to achieve a similar attack to that of the thinner picks I'd previously gotten used to, but so far that seems worth the effort.  The timbre of thicker picks won't be for everyone, but the more even nature of the notes after every strum/strike continues to grow on me.  Your mileage may vary, I hope the day finds you well.


  • Junior Flyweight
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  • Posts: 33
  • BKPs: VHII bridge, Stormy Monday neck.
Re: Thoughts on thick picks.
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2022, 08:17:52 AM »
An update for anyone who might give a rip.  I'm slowly walking towards how my playing sounded when using thinner picks.  As far as a couple of the cons I previously talked about, I bought a small leather pouch that is hooked onto my guitar's strap which holds the pick any time I'm not actively playing.  I still don't enjoy the black dust, but to have all the other benefits of this pick I'll live with it. 

I also got to try out one of the Dragon's Heart 'faux' picks (same shape and size but it feels very similar to ultex).  It doesn't glide quite as easily as the Hardened model and gives a bit more of audible attack, but I'm definitely keeping it as a backup (all my Dunlop picks are in a ziploc bag now just being lonely).  I hope the day finds you all well.