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Author Topic: Wienbrock Amps - Rob Wienbrock passes away.  (Read 1513 times)


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Wienbrock Amps - Rob Wienbrock passes away.
« on: March 20, 2024, 09:13:23 AM »
Hi all,

It's been quite some time since I posted on this forum as I've been busy in the world of valve Hi-Fi for the past decade or so!

Some of you may have been here long enough to remember I was an R&D Engineer at Wienbrock amps (2010-2012) and was involved in the development of the Wienbrock Gaucho model, sadly I found out that Rob Wienbrock passed away in January and I just wanted to let anyone know might own one of these great amplifiers of the news.

Rob was a truly great man who gave a very wet behind the ears young boy a huge step up in the world of electronics engineering, if I think about how much the course of my life has changed since the opportunity afforded to me by a tiny little company in Sowerby Bridge it's mind boggling. Sometimes we don't know how much influence an individual will have on you and your life, but always be thankful to those who help I guess is the moral of this story.

RIP Robert G Wienbrock.

Please, If anyone sees any Wienbrock amps for sale anywhere will they please PM me as I'd like to help Rob's younger brother in North Carolina source one.


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Re: Wienbrock Amps - Rob Wienbrock passes away.
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2024, 07:53:59 PM »
I’m sorry to hear this.  He sounds like a decent cat.