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Author Topic: New play-throughs and soundclips  (Read 5769 times)


  • BKP
  • Flyweight
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  • Posts: 80
  • The OTHER Tim and tech at Bare Knuckle Pickups
New play-throughs and soundclips
« on: July 04, 2023, 04:57:18 PM »
The eagle-eyed amongst you might have seen that we have been gradually adding a whole host of artist play-throughs and tone breakdowns of our humbucker range (and the odd Strat!) to our YouTube channel. This is something that we're gradually working through and ultimately hoping to build up a library of varied breakdown videos for every one of our models. The most recent are a few videos by Connor Kaminski of our two Misha Mansoor signature models: The Juggernaut and Ragnarok. These will hopefully help to give both in-context and stripped down examples of how the pickups perform, while not being completely surgically sterilised!

The latest video is here: but please check out our whole channel, as there are a good amount of model-specific videos on there now. Please subscribe if you'd like to see the newest videos as they are published - it's free!

« Last Edit: July 04, 2023, 04:59:52 PM by timmy_b »
Hi all, yes, it's another Tim! I'll be here to answer any questions you want to throw at me, here or via