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Author Topic: Beck's Bolero cover  (Read 6213 times)


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  • JJ Retro w/Mule + BKP90
Beck's Bolero cover
« on: July 13, 2023, 05:01:58 PM »
I did a cover of Jeff Beck's Bolero, using the now discontinued BKP90 for most of it, and a BYOC ESV silicone fuzz pedal which is kind of similar to a late 60s tone bender, when the middle 8 section comes in it's all the mule pickup, the amp is a vox vr30 into an orange ppc 112 that has a heritage greenback speaker in it, I did add a bit of soundtoys superplate reverb as well to give it a 60s sound, let me know what you think, it was fun making this and this is my tribute to jeff beck (RIP).

« Last Edit: July 14, 2023, 04:58:17 PM by JJretroTONEGOD »
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  • Welterweight
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  • Posts: 1358
  • JJ Retro w/Mule + BKP90
Re: Beck's Bolero cover
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2023, 06:04:34 PM »
forgot to mention, I also used my p-bass guitar which has the split coil 58's in there as well, that's just a DI with some compression applied during the mix.
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