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Author Topic: Scottish Debate  (Read 36875 times)


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2014, 04:19:51 PM »
Ah, welcome back, NFE!!!


Economics does matter; currency does matter.  I know what you're saying regarding it being a philosophical argument, but you can't hide from the financials, because it's that very point which will impact people the most.

I couldn't agree less, to be honest. It's the point which will impact people the most most if that's your worldview. But I'll notice a more socially left leaning society far more than I will being a few hundred quid better or worse off a year. I'll notice the reduction in bigoted protests and the hounding of immigrants by predominantly English people coming up on buses to pretend to have a Scottish presence and the marches by idiots stuck in the late 17th century singing about killing Catholics and loving their queen. I'll notice the terrorism warnings drop in a country no longer tethered to Westminster.

And over time, I'll notice the leveling out of the wealth gap that is speedily widening in the UK.

If I'm worse of for a few years (or decades), I think that's a fair price, and one I don't anticipate being very aware of. And on the basis of the general feeling here outside of the mainstream media, I don't think I'm in the minority.

Of course, I don't think we'd be noticeably worse off anyway.

As an Englishman (yes, the worst type of Englishman - one born and raised (mostly) in the South East), I don't want my economic prosperity tied to a neighboring country which has no compulsion to adhere to sensible economic policy. 

I hate the thought of Scotland leaving Britain.  However, if that's what they vote for, that's fine.  But I don't want an independent Scotland bankrupting the rest of Britain.

I don't think we should be tied economically either. Neither do two of the three political parties in the Yes Campaign. But I'd be amazed if we weren't. When it comes to it, Westminster will push for a currency union to save the transaction costs that would hit English, Welsh and Northern Irish businesses, as well as Scottish ones. And in the short term it'll be the simplest option for Scotland too, so nobody will fight it on either side.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 04:26:04 PM by nfe »


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2014, 06:55:13 PM »

I'd be sad to see Scotland go, but then who can blame anyone for wanting to disconnect from westminster whatever the theoretical consequences? Selfishly I'd be worried about England having more and more Conservative governments if Scotland leaves. Any ideas how moving to Scotland would work post a Yes vote?


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2014, 07:21:01 PM »
We'd almost certainly be in the EU (whatever the scaremongers say). So to move here you'd just have to, well, move here.


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2014, 11:21:50 AM »
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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2014, 04:57:08 PM »
I'm with PhillyQ and Juansolo.  If the 'Yes' vote wins, then I'll be interested to see how Scotland manages to sort itself out without guaranteed immediate EU membership or the pound.  From what I've seen, Salmond is living in cloud cuckoo land and refuses to accept that other people can quite legitimately refuse his requests.  Plus if all these large firms are re-locating to England there isn't going to be a lot left to fund the new country, so finances will have to be worse than they are now.

If I was Scottish, I would be worried that Scotland might turn into the Haiti of the rUK's Dominican Republic...
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 05:01:29 PM by Twinfan »

Ian Price

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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2014, 06:28:46 PM »
I have no opinion on this (politics isn't my thing) other than Salmond appears to be a bit of a c0ck.

Quite a lot of people at work getting VERY worked up about it - on both sides of the fence.
I think I hate being indecisive.


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2014, 06:54:49 AM »
People both sides of the border should be worried.  It's a decision that will have a global impact, not least upon British financials.
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Philly Q

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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2014, 08:54:05 AM »
As someone who has Radio 5 Live on pretty much all day every day, except when I'm at work, I'm looking forward to the end of this week.  I've got Scottish Independence Debate fatigue.  It's just endless hours of interviews with politicians and people in the street, all saying things I've heard a thousand times before.  Let's just get it over with now.

Of course, once the results are announced on Friday there'll be a whole new series of discussions.
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Ian Price

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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2014, 10:27:50 AM »
A word that I've not heard before has crept it's way onto the radio and into the news over the last few days. The 'neverendum'. How exciting does that sound! I'm not even close the debate and I'm really really bored by it all.
I think I hate being indecisive.

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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2014, 04:50:45 AM »
If it's a yes vote one of the things I've noticed is that Labour will lose 49 seats. No champagne socialists. That's got to be a good thing surely  :smiley:
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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2014, 02:50:14 PM »
I see it was a victory for the NWO then as expected  :evil:

Question is who to vote for at the next general election?

Conservatives - The nasty toff party
Labour - The posiibly well meaning but ultimately a bunch of IDIOTS
Lib Dems - The spineless party
The Green Party - LOL
UKIP - Probably equally as nasty as the tory's but not as posh.

What terrifies me is that clown Boris Johnson seems to fancy himself as a future PM.  Could you imagine?!

I suppose we're all lucky to live in what is the best country in the world but I find in frustrating it could be perfect it if wasnt run by (For the most part) mp's will zero life experience.

Good old Goerge Osbourne only ever had a job folding towels in BHS and now he's in charge of the economy and selling off royal mail to his best mates for peanuts.  That lot must be laughing at us all day in day out
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 02:54:37 PM by JimmyMoorby »


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2014, 02:59:09 PM »
The coalition generally seems to be doing alright to me, I just hope labour don't get in again next time.  Not sure they would they as Mililband isn't exactly the best leader out there...


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2014, 04:14:41 PM »
The coalition generally seems to be doing alright to me, I just hope labour don't get in again next time.  Not sure they would they as Mililband isn't exactly the best leader out there...

Ed Milliband isnt even as good as his brother and only got in because he was everyones 2nd choice!

I think this tory government (because thats what it is) is the worst government i've ever known.  Also before I go on a rant i'm not arguing with you I respect anyones opinions as long as theyre sincere.

For me this government is more than any thing corrupt.

-Selling off royal mail for nothing to their mates.

-Dismantling the NHS on the sly

-Trying to privatize the police force and fortunately failing miserably (Seriously what kind of a headcase thinks making a profit out of justice and safety is acceptable.  Probably those headcases behind big iron gates with lots of money!).

Also the big and simple one failing to get a grip on immigration and by that I dont mean stop johnny foreigner I mean quality control like normal countries have.  What the tory's do at the moment (And what labour and lib dems would do) is discriminate against non-eu immigrants to keep the figures down because there are no bodrer restrictions within the eu.
How is it acceptable  the worst of the worst can come here from all over europe and we get no say in it?  Seriously only UKIP seems to want to sort this mess out which I find very frustrating.  Seems the majority of people want quality control but the big 3 dont want to listen probably because it drives down wages.

Whats so hard about having a border control and not letting in serious criminals and checking they can support themselves at a very basic level?  For years if you hold this point of view any one who disagreed only had to shout 'racist' and hope youd back off but now its all getting a bit silly.  I have no problem with any race or country but we have enough idiots born and bred in this country without letting the dregs of other countries in too.

The only thing I like about the tory's is the sensible move to scruitinize benefit payments.  Not saying theyre always right but labour's '$%&# it have some free money, free house and your bum wiped and dont worry about personal responsibility' attitude was very annoying.  Labour used to be the party of the working class and clearly theyve lost their way and become a bunch of champagne socialists.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 04:18:27 PM by JimmyMoorby »


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2014, 04:20:56 PM »
A lot of the UK laws/policies/practices were set up by previous governments remember, so you can't just blame the folks at the top right now - they have to deal with legacy issues that they're inherited.

EU laws (e.g. border control) apply to us as we are in the EU.  The issue you're talking about will affect every EU country, it's not directly our government's fault but a result of being in the EU (which has other benefits I assume).


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Re: Scottish Debate
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2014, 04:40:04 PM »
Well the things ive mentioned are all down to the tory's.  Like I say its more the corruption that gets me not their policies because you cant please everybody. This EU business it seems the labour, cons, and lib dems are all mad for it though.

I'm very anti-EU and I see no benefits to it.  Supposedly the benefits are easier trading between european countires which sounds good but im pretty sure we dont need a european parliament for that and also so all european countries can be on the same page re laws and human rights etc which frankly is also a load of tosh.  In our country we have the best legal system and whilst the police will never be popular theyre FAR better than in any other country in the world so I dont see why we need input from any other countries.

The UK has the power to tell them EU how many beans make five because lets face it Germnay and the UK are the most powerful countires but theres seems to be some sort of weird agenda with the whole thing.  You only have to look at the whole sorry situation in the Ukraine which the EU didn't cause but in a way it did.  Trying to expand your undemocratic empire onto Russia's doorstep is wreckless at best.  But dont worry 'the eu' is taking sides with the Ukraine so im sure well have no problems taking on russia when it all kicks off!  Those russians are pretty good at fighting and I cant see how we could best them in any way?!

The irony of the situation is the EU and the west is accusing Russia or trying to revert back to soviet times when in fact it is all of the european countires who are being run by a european parliament which doesnt respect democracy and is full of nationalists, nazis and national front members simply because countries dont want to be involved in it and therefore vote in the most extreme parties as a protest.  In our country UKIP got the majority but thankfully theyre not a racist party regardless of what you think of them
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 04:46:21 PM by JimmyMoorby »